Title : Christmas Quiz answers
link : Christmas Quiz answers
Christmas Quiz answers
Six entries were received for the puzzles. Four were from local active players, one from a London player and the other from a former player (who now focuses on Bridge!). They are (in alphabetical order):Chris Chambers
Kevin Greenacre
Steve Lovell
Bill Mackintosh
Richard Saunders (London)
Andrew Shephard
Part 1
1 ,,,Ke4, e8(B) d5, Bg6#
2 ...Kc6, e8(R) d5, Re6#
Part 2
1 Bc3. If ...e2, then Bd2#. If gxh2, then either Bxe5#
2 Bxg4+ Kxg4, Bxe2+ If Kf5 then Be6#. If Kh3 then Be6#
There is an alternative answer to this puzzle (which the setter did not see). Two people found this: Bxg2+ Kxg2, Bxe2 If ...Kh1 then Bxe4#. If ...Kh3 then Bf1#
Part 3
1a) h1
1b) a8
1c) g7 (or b2)
2. White retracts the move fxg8(N), capturing a bishop. Instead plays f8(N)#
3a) Black retracts K(f7)xg6
3b) Replace a White knight on g6
3c) Black plays Bxf6+
3d) White plays Ne5#
Two entrants had perfect sets of solutions: Andrew Shephard and Richard Saunders. Both will receive a new chess book.
Both Chris and Kevin omitted to mention that in 2-2, either bishop can mate by taking on e5. Kevin made a typo in his answer to 1-1. Sorry, but I had to be tough!
Steve's answers were basically correct, but he made three typos. Bill didn't manage to complete all his answers.
Normal daily blogs will re-commence on Tuesday, as I'm away for the next two days.
Christmas Quiz answers
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link http://chesscombi.blogspot.com/2017/01/christmas-quiz-answers.html