Title : Suffolk are EACU Under 160 Champions
link : Suffolk are EACU Under 160 Champions
Suffolk are EACU Under 160 Champions
The Suffolk Under 160 team played their final matches today at the Turner Hall in Newmarket, against Norfolk and Hertfordshire, winning both by large margins:Suffolk 10½ - 5½ Norfolk
Suffolk 11½ - 4½ Hertfordshire
During the season Suffolk won five matches and lost only one, scoring 10 match points to finish ahead of Cambridgeshire and Hertfordshire, with Norfolk bringing up the rear.
In today's matches, out of 32 games played, there were only two individual losses by Suffolk players. Indeed, Suffolk were unbeaten on the top 12 boards.
Three players won both their games: Colin Roberts, Keith Woodcock and James Pack. James is a new member of the Bury St Edmunds club. Keith Woodcock has won all four games played in the Under 160s this season and tomorrow this blog will feature one of his games from today.
The full Suffolk results can be seen here (you will need to scroll to the bottom of the page).
Suffolk are EACU Under 160 Champions
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link https://chesscombi.blogspot.com/2017/03/suffolk-are-eacu-under-160-champions.html