Title : Komodo 10.4 released!
link : Komodo 10.4 released!
Komodo 10.4 released!
Larry Kaufman:" We have just released Komodo 10.4. It is about 20 elo stronger than Komodo 10.3 (at blitz levels) and has one new UCI option, "variety". Improvements were in both search and eval. Linux users will see an even larger elo gain. In my testing it leads by 13 elo against Houdini 5.01 at 2' + 1" after 1350 games on four threads. This will probably be the last of the 10.x series. As usual, it is free for subscribers and available for a 20% discount for buyers of Komodo 9 or later version."
Komodo 10.4 released!
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link https://chesscombi.blogspot.com/2017/03/komodo-104-released.html