Title : Korchnoi's Events 2008-15
link : Korchnoi's Events 2008-15
Korchnoi's Events 2008-15
Continuing with Korchnoi's Events 2006-07 (and TCEC 2016), I added the last eight years of Korchnoi's career to my page on Viktor Korchnoi's Tournament, Match, and Exhibition Record (TMER; 1946-2015). There are no games from 2013 and only a handful of exhibition games from 2014-2015, meaning that Korchnoi's career effectively ended in September 2012 with a couple of games played for the Swiss team championship.
The chart on the left shows the number of games I collected from TWIC files starting at the beginning of 1998. For the record, it totals 1206 games from around 150 events.
The TWIC files provide the data for the fourth major section of the Korchnoi TMER. The first games in the TWIC section are from the 1998 Anibal Open, Linares, in TWIC 168, i.e.
THE WEEK IN CHESS 168 - 26th January 1998 by Mark Crowther
Crowther's writeup said,
3) Linares Open Tournament • A strong international open took place in Linares Spain. Sergei Tiviakov took clear first with 8/9 ahead of Tony Miles, Stanislav Savchenko, Karen Movsziszian, Georgy Timoshenko, Karen Asrian, Rustam Kasimdzhanov and Gennady Kuzmin on 7.5. The field also included Viktor Korchnoi, Vladimir Epishin and Valeri Filippov in the 186 participants.
Korchnoi finished the event, [although] at one stage it looked as though he might withdraw after a most distressing loss in round four where it [looked] as if Korchnoi became distracted at his opponents unwillingness to resign and [he] contrived to lose.
Notwithstanding the many 'Crowtherisms' that pepper his written work -- [I've tried to fix a few] -- Mark Crowther provides a first class service. Thanks, Mark!
And what about the TCEC 2016 (Thoresen Chess Engines Competition) half of the previous post? The TCEC Facebook pagenow says,
The Superfinal preparations need a few more days and the games are expected to start after 9 November.The 2016 Carlsen - KarjakinWorld Championship starts 11 November, so there will be plenty of quality chess material for the next month or so.
Korchnoi's Events 2008-15
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link https://chesscombi.blogspot.com/2016/11/korchnois-events-2008-15.html