google-site-verification=ljd0kiKVzzVJBQpeikm01oLV1nQM2Fg9IQj30mPavHc Sanjib 3.9 wins JCER Swiss Tournament, 2016.12.07 - 2016.12.08 - Chess Combi

Sanjib 3.9 wins JCER Swiss Tournament, 2016.12.07 - 2016.12.08

Sanjib 3.9 wins JCER Swiss Tournament, 2016.12.07 - 2016.12.08 - Hello Chess Combi readers, In the article you read with the title Sanjib 3.9 wins JCER Swiss Tournament, 2016.12.07 - 2016.12.08, we already prepared well. Hopefully the posting content Chess, Chess Engine, World, articles satisfied your curiousity. Well, happy reading.

Title : Sanjib 3.9 wins JCER Swiss Tournament, 2016.12.07 - 2016.12.08
link : Sanjib 3.9 wins JCER Swiss Tournament, 2016.12.07 - 2016.12.08

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Sanjib 3.9 wins JCER Swiss Tournament, 2016.12.07 - 2016.12.08

Engine Jcer Score 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Chg
1: Sanjib 3.9 64 3358 7.0 / 9 24b+ 4w= 9b+ 10w+ 2b= 3w+ 6b= 7w+ 5b= +12
2: Nayeem 9.0 3371 6.5 / 9 16b+ 6w+ 10b+ 5w+ 1w= 4b= 7b- 3w= 9w+ +5
3: SugaR SE 3349 6.0 / 9 5b= 19w+ 4b= 8b+ 6w= 1b- 14w+ 2b= 13w+ +3
4: Stockfish 8 3368 5.5 / 9 12b+ 1b= 3w= 13b+ 7w= 2w= 8b= 6w= 10w= -3
5: Houdini 5.01 x64 3201 5.5 / 9 3w= 15w+ 7b+ 2b- 17w= 8b= 12b= 11w+ 1w= +15
6: Nayeem 10.0 3371 5.5 / 9 17w+ 2b- 14w= 11w+ 3b= 9b+ 1w= 4b= 7b= -5
7: Komodo 10.2 x64 3346 5.5 / 9 14b+ 8b= 5w- 16w+ 4b= 15w+ 2w+ 1b- 6w= -2
8: Houdini 4 x64 3201 5.5 / 9 11b+ 7w= 13b= 3w- 19b+ 5w= 4w= 17b= 14w+ +9
9: Fire 5 x64 3124 5.0 / 9 22b+ 13w= 1w- 18b= 10b+ 6w- 15w+ 12w+ 2b- +9
10 Fire 4 x64 3124 5.0 / 9 20w+ 18b+ 2w- 1b- 9w- 23b+ 19w+ 13w= 4b= +2
11 Strelka 6 x32 3119 5.0 / 9 8w- 17b+ 12w+ 6b- 14w= 21b+ 13b= 5b- 19w+ +5
12 Houdini 1.5a 3096 5.0 / 9 4w- 23w+ 11b- 21b+ 13b= 18w+ 5w= 9b- 17w+ -1
13 Gull 3.1 JV 3214 4.5 / 9 23b+ 9b= 8w= 4w- 12w= 16b+ 11w= 10b= 3b- -11
14 Ultron 5.0 3184 4.5 / 9 7w- 24b+ 6b= 15w= 11b= 17w+ 3b- 20w+ 8b- -2
15 Komodo 8 x64 3222 4.5 / 9 19w= 5b- 20w+ 14b= 18w= 7b- 9b- 23w+ 22w+ -22
16 Arasan 19.2 2915 4.5 / 9 2w- 22w+ 18b= 7b- 23w+ 13w- 20b- 21w+ 24b+ -4
17 Andscacs 0.88 3122 4.0 / 9 6b- 11w- 22w+ 23w+ 5b= 14b- 18w+ 8w= 12b- -14
18 Bobcat 8.0 2789 4.0 / 9 21b+ 10w- 16w= 9w= 15b= 12b- 17b- 24w+ 20w= +16
19 Ippos 1.2.7 2901 4.0 / 9 15b= 3b- 21w= 20b+ 8w- 24w+ 10b- 22b+ 11b- +5
20 Protector 1.9.0 3013 4.0 / 9 10b- 21w= 15b- 19w- 24b+ 22w+ 16w+ 14b- 18b= -18
21 Octochess r5506 2764 3.5 / 9 18w- 20b= 19b= 12w- 22w+ 11w- 24b+ 16b- 23b= -5
22 RedQueen 1.1.98 2564 2.0 / 9 9w- 16b- 17b- 24w+ 21b- 20b- 23w+ 19w- 15b- -4
23 Sjaak II 1.4.0 2104 1.5 / 9 13w- 12b- 24w+ 17b- 16b- 10w- 22b- 15b- 21w= +2
24 Galjoen 0.34 1957 0.0 / 9 1w- 14w- 23b- 22b- 20w- 19b- 21w- 18b- 16w- -11

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Sanjib 3.9 wins JCER Swiss Tournament, 2016.12.07 - 2016.12.08

We hope it's fullfil all of your curiousity. Okay, see you in other articles.

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