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Rahway Quad 12/3/2016

Rahway Quad 12/3/2016 - Hello Chess Combi readers, In the article you read with the title Rahway Quad 12/3/2016, we already prepared well. Hopefully the posting content Chess, Weston Chess, articles satisfied your curiousity. Well, happy reading.

Title : Rahway Quad 12/3/2016
link : Rahway Quad 12/3/2016

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Rahway Quad 12/3/2016

On Saturday, I finished with a score of 2-1-0 in the quad at Chess Mates.

Round Two: Center Counter Defense

Jim West (USCF 2200) - Mauricio Camejo (USCF 2000), Rahway NJ 12/3/2016

1.e4 c6 2.d4 d5 3.exd5 Qxd5 4.Nc3 Qa5 5.Nf3 Bg4 6.h3 Bf5 7.Bc4 Nd7 8.Bd2 Qc7 9.Qe2 Bxc2 10.Rc1 Bg6 11.d5 Qd8 12.O-O Ngf6

13.d6 b5 14.Bxb5 e6 15.Bxc6 Bxd6 16.Bxa8 Qxa8 17.Nb5 Bb8 18.Bb4 Qb7 19.Rfd1 Be4 20.Ng5 Nb6 21.Nd6+ Bxd6 22.Bxd6 Na8 23.Qc4 Kd7 24.Ba3+, Black resigns.

Rahway Quad 12/3/2016

We hope it's fullfil all of your curiousity. Okay, see you in other articles.

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