Title : FIDE's Journalist Commission 2016
link : FIDE's Journalist Commission 2016
FIDE's Journalist Commission 2016
Next up on Spectating the 87th FIDE Congressis89. Minutes of Journalists Commission.
For the record, the previous post on this blog was FIDE's Journalist Commission 2015(September 2015). What's new in the world of FIDE chess journalism? Let's look at the minutes ('87th FIDE Congress; FIDE Journalists Commission report'):-
1. The website of the Commission
2. The press cards of FIDE journalists
3. Fees for accreditation and participation in the Olympiad and other FIDE events
4. Anti-cheating and security measures influence on the work of journalists
5. Journalists awards
6. Letter from Commission member
7. Other matters
Some of those bullets are self-explanatory. As for the others...
1. The website:journalists.fide.com.
5. Journalists awards: see the website under 'Awards'; 'special FIDE award to recognize outstanding contributions for the popularisation of chess by journalists, who have successfully created and made TV chess programs'.
One award goes to chess journalists Sergey Makarichev and Marina Makaricheva, who have successfully made chess programmes on the Russian channel NTV Plus since 1996. In nearly 20 years, they have made almost three and a half thousand chess programmes, ten documentaries and more than a hundred TV lessons.
The other award goes to NRK TV Channel, which has succeeded in popularizing chess for the Norwegian audience and built broadcasts around the live feed from chess tournaments.
6. Letter: 'suggested improvement of the FIDE website and creation of FIDE TV/Video channel'.
7. Other matters:
- 'Join AIPS - International Sports Press Association in order to establish a chess group within the agency and "push" chess news into distribution'
- 'Launch "chess dressing" products because the niche is empty at the present'
The first idea sounds like it's worth pursuing. Although the AIPS Web Site('Association Internationale de la Presse Sportive') has a few chess stories, I saw nothing worth special mention.
The second idea is more mysterious, partly because I couldn't think of a better phrase. Are we talking chess wear or maybe chess bling?
Google image search on 'chess dressing'
Whatever it means, what does this have to do with journalism?
FIDE's Journalist Commission 2016
Now you read : FIDE's Journalist Commission 2016
link http://chesscombi.blogspot.com/2016/12/fides-journalist-commission-2016.html